Exhibition at Green Week
From January 17-26, 2020, the International Green Week took place once again in Berlin. Our team from the LinSel project had the great opportunity to present our work at the booth of the Federal Program for Organic Farming and Other Forms of Sustainable Agriculture (BÖLN). It was a pleasure to engage with many enthusiastic lentil consumers and explain the basics of lentil cultivation in Germany and worldwide. We also had enriching conversations with farmers from across Germany who are either looking for new crops for their farms or have already started growing lentils on small plots. We returned to the university strengthened by these experiences and impressions, reassured that the demand for regional lentil cultivation exists not only among consumers but also among farmers. We're on the right path!
The LinSel project aims to re-establish the lentil as a valuable protein crop for human nutrition in German agriculture. As a first step, we are evaluating which existing lentil varieties and accessions are best suited for cultivation in Germany. In this endeavor, we are collaborating with the Genebank of the IPK Gatersleben and the Keyserlingk Institute at Lake Constance.
Green Week - Photo Gallery

Photos: © Messe Berlin GmbH, © m & p, © BLE