Agricultural Experiment Station Kleinhohenheim

The history shows Kleinhohenheim with agricultural use since 1772 (establishment by Duke Carl Eugen von Württemberg). From 1817 it was considered a royal Württemberg domain for the exemplary keeping of foals and cattle (Appenzell cattle). The remains of the foundations of today's sheepfold building, which was built as a Swiss house at that time, also date back to this period. In 1864 the domain was converted into a leased estate, which was then leased in 1922 for the then Hohenheim Agricultural College. In 1976, the domain in its current extent became the property of the state of Baden-Württemberg, which assigned the area to the Experimental Station I of the University of Hohenheim for cultivation. Since 1994, the area has been managed according to ecological guidelines.

Shortly informed

The research station is available for teaching and experimental research in organic farming and livestock biology. The Kleinhohenheim farm is located close to campus (ca. 3km) and has about 60 hectares for research and teaching in organic farming, including fields, buildings, machinery and staff.


  • ....serves scientists as a trial site
  • ....allow students to gain initial research experience through project and thesis work

Crop Rotations at Kleinhohenheim

Arable Crop Rotation

  • Clover-grass
  • Clover-grass
  • Winter wheat + catch crop
  • Buckwheat
  • Spring cereal + catch crop
  • Legumes (e.g. Faba bean)
  • Winter spelt and catch crop
  • Winter rye  undersown with clover-grass

Field Vegetable Crop Rotation

  • Clover-grass and manure
  • Intensive vegetables (heavy feeders, e.g. Brassica spp.)
  • Oats and catch crop
  • Extensive vegetables (light feeders, e.g. onions, carrots)
  • Emmer undersown with clover-grass


Location Meiereihof with Kleinhohenheim (401)
Director: Johann Ruess
Telefon: +49 711 459 22715
Website Agricultural Experiment Stations


Location Meiereihof (401)
Operations Manager +49 711 459 22715


Location Kleinhohenheim (401)
Operations Manager +49 711 459 22715